The Significance and Ritual of Blessing Candles in the Catholic Church

Blessed candles hold a special place in the hearts of Catholics, serving as powerful symbols of faith and devotion in both homes and churches. Silvana Johnson, the founder of Live Your Faith Catholic, an online store specializing in handcrafted beeswax candles and prayer candles, shares her insights on the importance of these sacramentals.

"As a Catholic, it's good to have blessed candles in your home because it holds a significant importance. It symbolizes the presence of Christ, who is referred as the light of the world,"

Silvana explains.

The Symbolism and Significance of Blessed Candles

In the Catholic tradition, candles represent Christ's presence and His victory over darkness and sin. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that sacramentals, including blessed candles, are sacred signs instituted by the Church to sanctify different circumstances of life. Silvana emphasizes the role of blessed candles as aids to prayer, stating,

"Candles serve as an aid to prayer, helping to create a sacred atmosphere."

They also offer protection and blessings, as Silvana notes,

"In the Catholic tradition, blessed candles became powerful sacramentals."

The Process of Blessing Candles in the Catholic Church

Only ordained priests, bishops and the Pope have the authority to bless candles in the Catholic Church.

The prayers used for blessing candles can vary,

Silvana explains, 

"If you go to a Traditional Latin Mass, which is the Mass in Latin, there is actually a special prayer specifically for pure beeswax candles. In the Novus Ordo Mass, the blessings are more simplified. That's why I like to take it to the Traditional Latin Mass, the blessings are more meritorius, the prayers more specific and the language is sacred."

February 2nd, known as Candlemas, holds particular significance for the blessing of candles.

The Latin Mass and Candle Blessings

The Latin Mass, also known as the Extraordinary Form or the Traditional Latin Mass, holds a special place in Silvana's heart. She explains,

"I like to take my candles to the traditional Latin Mass because the blessings are more meritorious, due to the fact that are very specific prayers and Latin is a sacred language".

The use of Latin, the sacred language of the Church, and the rich symbolism and ritual of the traditional liturgy add to the solemnity and efficacy of the blessings.

The blessing of candles in the Latin Mass often takes place after the celebration of the Eucharist. Silvana describes the scene:

"After Mass the priest goes to the back of the Church, and he blesses different items with different prayers."

The faithful bring their candles, along with other items such as salt, olive oil, rosaries, and medals, to be blessed by the priest. Each item receives its own unique prayer, with some even involving exorcisms for added spiritual protection, like the Saint Benedict Medal. 

The attention to detail and the use of traditional prayers passed down through centuries of Church tradition make the blessings in the Latin Mass particularly powerful and efficacious.

For those who may not have access to a Latin Mass or prefer the Novus Ordo Mass Silvana emphasizes that blessings by any priest, regardless of the language or form of the Mass, are still valid and beneficial. Usually, the priest can bless the items after Mass. Once you have your candles blessed, use them with faith and devotion in your prayer life.

Purchasing and Using Blessed Devotional Candles

When purchasing candles for prayer it is important having them blessed, If not, it's just a regular candle.

Are Blessed Candles OK to Give Away?

If you bring a candle to mass and have it blessed, the blessing is for the individual who brought the item to mass and is not transferable if the candle is sold. It is not allow to sell blessed items and If you happen to buy something that is blessed, the blessing is not valid anymore. It is allow to have an item bless and give it as a gift, so be aware of stores that say that the candles are already bless and use this as a selling point.

Live Your Faith Catholic offers a variety of candles suitable for blessing, including 100% beeswax candles and scented prayer candles. The Catholic Prayer Candle Phil 4:13 is a beautiful reminder that God will give us the strength to face any challenges. The Catholic Prayer Candle John 1:14 encourages meditation on the divinity of Jesus and that He is the truth.

The Reasons for Blessing Religious Candles (Glass Candles and Natural Beeswax)

The act of blessing a candle holds great significance in the Catholic Church. If you use it with faith, you know that God's presence is there. For example, if you light a candle in your home and it's blessed, the devil doesn't like it. It has the blessing of God in it. The blessing of a candle invokes God's presence and protection, creating a sacred atmosphere that repels evil and fosters spiritual growth.

Why Would You Want to Bring Your Candles to be Blessed?

Candles are blessed for various reasons, each holding deep spiritual meaning. Here are some reasons:

  • Symbolism of light: They symbolize Christ's presence in our life and the victory over darkness and sin.
  • Aid to prayer: candles serve as an aid to prayer, helping to create a sacred atmosphere.
  • Sacramental grace: according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, sacramentals dispose the faithful to receive the principal effects of the sacraments and sanctify different circumstances of life.
  • Repels evil spirits.

By blessing candles, the Church acknowledges their role in drawing the faithful closer to God and providing spiritual nourishment.

Another reason for blessing candles is the protection and blessings they offer.

When lit with faith and devotion, blessed candles become powerful tools in spiritual warfare, shielding against the attacks of the enemy and infusing the environment with God's grace.

The Prohibition of Selling Blessed Items

It is important to understand that once a candle or any other item has been blessed, it cannot be sold.

Silvana explains,

"First of all, if I sell, I cannot sell something that is blessed, that's a sin of simony, especially if I add value. For example, if I sell you a rosary and I tell you it's been blessed by the Pope, so it's $1,000, that's a sin of simony." 

The blessing is a spiritual gift from the Church, and attempting to profit from it is considered a grave offense.

Furthermore, the blessing is for the individual, not the object itself.  some place sell for example a small relic of a Saint and they charge a small amount, but it is important to note the charge is not for the relic itself but for the medal or package they are in, you are not paying for the relic.

The Spiritual Benefits of Burning Blessed Candles

When a blessed candle is lit, it becomes a powerful conduit of God's grace, bringing the holy spirt into your home, and a tangible reminder of His presence. Silvana shares a compelling example:

"If you are having nightmares at night lighting a blessed candle will help you to sleep better and keep nightmares away, note that sleeping with a candle is dangerous so you need to take precautions please, do not burn down your home down".

The light of a blessed candle serves as a spiritual shield, dispelling darkness and creating an atmosphere inhospitable to evil influences. Candles for your home can be used this way.

In addition to protection, burning blessed candles can also bring about spiritual healing and the bestowal of divine graces. A grace, for example, could be a deep repentance for sins that you committed, or maybe wanting to change your life or wanting to go back to church or an answer prayer. Those are actual graces that God gives us.  By prayerfully lighting a blessed candle, the faithful open themselves to receive the gifts of repentance, conversion, and physical or emotional healing if it is God's will. Sacramental must be use with faith and be clear that they are not magic.

The Graces and Benefits of Praying with Blessed

Praying with candles like the Saint Teresa of Avila Candle can help meditate on the words of the saints, reminding us that everything passes, but God is always with us.

Handmade candles from Live Your Faith Catholic such as the  Surrender to Jesus Prayer Candle encourage us to let go of our burdens and trust in Jesus love and care. The Serenity Prayer Catholic Candle comes in a beautiful glass jar and serves as a beautiful reminder that only God has control over everything, and we must accept what we cannot change things but we must surrender to God.

Finding Wax Candles Made in USA

At live Your Faith Catholic we hand poured all our candles ourselves, We source the beeswax from bee farms no resellers to guaranteed the purity and quality of the wax. We don't add any scents to the candles so they are 100% beeswax. Our scented candles are coconut soy wax also source in the USA. We use 100% cotton wicks. Our candles are sustainable, healthy and environmentally friendly. Our candles are non toxic and safe for people and pets.

By incorporating blessed candles into our prayer life, we can deepen our connection with God, find solace in times of need, and experience the graces and blessings that these sacramentals provide. As Silvana and Live Your Faith Catholic remind us, the light of Christ shines through these blessed candles, guiding us on our spiritual journey and drawing us closer to His eternal presence.

The Ritual Of Blessing Candles

The prayers to bless candles are beautiful and if you pay attention to it you can understand more clearly the use of the candles in your home. These prayers are found inside the Traditional Latin Mass Missals that you have on hand during the Mass. Or use prayers given below from the Roman Ritual Book of Blessings, which also contain prayers in Latin language.

Blessing of Candles

These prayers are found inside the Traditional latin Mass that you should have on hand during the Mass. Or use prayers given below from the Roman Ritual Book of Blessings, which also contain prayers in Latin language.

V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.
R. Who made heaven and earth.

V:The Lord be with you.
R: May He also be with you.

V. Let us pray.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, bless  these candles at our supplication. By the power of the holy  cross, pour out upon them a heavenly blessing, O Lord, who gave them to human kind in order to repel the darkness. From this signing with the holy  cross may they receive such blessing that, wherever they are set up or lighted, the princes of darkness may begin to tremble and depart, may flee in fear with all their ministers from such dwelling places, and may not dare again to disquiet or molest those who serve you, almighty God, who live and reign forever and ever.

R. Amen.

They are sprinkled with holy water.

Blessing of Candles with Exorcism

V. Our help is in the + name of the Lord.
R. Who made heaven and earth.

V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with your spirit.

V.  O candles, I exorcise you in the name of God  the Father Almighty, in the name of Jesus  Christ his Son, our Lord, and in the name of the Holy  Spirit. May God uproot and cast out from these objects, all power of the devil, all attacks of the unclean spirit, and all deceptions of Satan, so that they may bring health of mind and body to all who use them. We ask this through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is coming to judge both the living and the dead and the world by fire.

R. Amen.

V. Let us pray.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, light of everlasting life, you have given us candles to dispel the darkness. We humbly implore you now to bless +these candles at our lowly request, and hallow them by the light of your grace. By the power of the Holy + Cross, endow them with a heavenly blessing. May the blessing they receive be so powerful that, wherever they are placed or lighted, the princes of darkness shall flee in fear, along with all their legions, and never more dare to disturb those who serve you, the almighty God. Let the entire building in which these candles are kept, be free from the power of the adversary, and be defended from the snares of the enemy. Grant we pray, that those who will use these candles may be protected from every assault of the evil spirit, and be safeguarded from all danger. Through Christ our Lord.  

R. Amen.

They are sprinkled with holy water.

Light a blessed candle when you sense an evil presence or manifestation in a certain place. The light from blessed candles symbolizes Jesus, the Light of the world; the presence of the Lord drives away all spirits of darkness. Lighting this candle, then praying for liberation is especially effective to purge a place especially a room, from infestation.

Our help is in the name of the Lord.
R. Who made heaven and earth.

 The Lord be with you.
May He also be with you.

V. Let us pray.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, bless these candles at our supplication. By the power of the holy + cross, pour out upon them a heavenly blessing, O Lord, who gave them to human kind in order to repel the darkness. From this signing with the holy + cross may they receive such blessing that, wherever they are set up or lighted, the princes of darkness may begin to tremble and depart, may flee in fear with all their ministers from such dwelling places, and may not dare again to disquiet or molest those who serve you, almighty God, who live and reign forever and ever.

R. Amen.

They are sprinkled with holy water.

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